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Thursday June 23, 2016


Day four of REAL Cents REAL Change Residential is the day of service. The day began by traveling to the Auburn United Methodist Church Food Pantry. The participants prepared the boxes of food for a couple of hundred citizens in the local community. Ms. Reeder Dulaney, AUMC Food Pantry, shared the work that is completed on a weekly basis, as well as demonstrated the role that the AUMC Food Pantry plays to help those in need. 


Once the service project was completed, the REAL Cents REAL Change participants had an excellent opportunity to hear from Dr. Harriet Giles, managing director of the Hunger Solutions Institute. Dr. Giles displayed the prevalence of hunger in the United States, specifically within Alabama, through many interactive demonstrations. 


Our next group of speakers consisted of students and coordinators within the Auburn University College of Human Sciences, as well as the Central Alabama Community Foundation. Each of these speakers discussed the importance of giving back to the community by donating time, talent, treasure, and trust.


The day concluded with the daily update to the "Genius Zone" ePortfolio.



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