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Wednesday June 22, 2016


REAL Cents REAL Change Residential focused on many aspects of college and carers on the third day. The morning began with a presentation from Candice Brooks, Auburn University Admissions Advisor. Ms. Candice focused her presentation on many of the requiremensts that are needed to attend college, such as tests and transcripts, as well as the overall application process.


The next speaker for the day was Mike Reynolds, Executive Director of Student Financuial Services. Mr. Mike focused his presentation on displaying the various ways to pay for college. Mr. Mike talked about scholarships, loans, as well as completing the FAFSA.


Mr. Jay Skipworth, Auburn University Career Center, talked about the importance of finding a great career. He mentioned several different ways to discover the correct career path and many of the necessary steps in order to get there.


Afterwards, REAL Cents REAL Change Residential made its way to the Auburn University Recreation and Wellness Center. Auburn has one of the largest recreation centers in the country. Mr. Tim Gore and several members of the recreation staff led the group on a tour of the recreation center. 


The day concluded in Spidle Hall for the daily update to the "Genius Zone" ePortfolio. Many of the participants also had an opportunity to create a "Movie with a Mission." This activity allowed the participants to research an issue, create a movie, and present on a topic that is important to the group.


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